Broadbeach United Football Club Gets Sports Grant
120K + In Upgrades For The Broadbeach United Football Club

The Broadbeach United Football Club (Gold Coast) were awarded $29,000 in October 2015 from the Gambling Machine Community Benefit Fund (Qld).
$22,000 for shade sails for club members to watch football on the balcony overlooking the grounds and a much needed $7,000 for electrical upgrades.
Over the past 8-10 years we have assisted this club access over $120,000 in grants to upgrade their building. This building has not previously had any upgrades since being originally built in the 1960’s.
Broadbeach United Football Club is a very successful football club on the Gold Coast with over 350 registered players.
Thumbs Up From President Micky Doyle
“Thank you David for your help and services in obtaining the various grants over the past ten years with your help and professionalism we have acheved many infrastructure improvements and now looking one of the better equiped sporting clubs on the gold coast and hope our association will continue for many years to come.”
Micky Doyle, President Broadbeach United soccer Club.